Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Tribute to my Son; a Soldier and a Gift from God

Wow!  You did it soldier, and you did it in style.  You went through “hell” to get here, but you led, you excelled and you overcame.  So congratulations my son, my precious, well done!
You were trained by the best, and you trained with the best.  You were pushed beyond your limits, broken and made anew.  You did it all without a single complaint but with much faith in God, with determination and with pride. 
We will never know the physical and mental challenges you faced when your body and mind wanted to give up; the disappointments you faced when you realized that your best was not good enough; or the heartaches you faced when your dreams came crumbling down.  We will never know the struggles you went through in your spirit to be faithful to God, while going on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual roller-coaster ride… 
I often saw you struggling to hold on to God and HIS kingdom values… and you reminded me of Jacob wrestling with God.  You know what?  I think God is looking at you today and telling you the same thing HE told Jacob, “You have wrestled with God and with men, and have overcome”! 
From your very first day in the Army, God’s hand has been on your life.  You had Eagle as your company, and a man of God as your role model.  Doors opened for you in places you least expected, and the doors that were wide open closed as you approached them…  If you take a moment to look back at the days that passed, I am sure you will see only one set of footprints in the sand, and you will recognize that they belong to the one who has been carrying you all along. 
As you move on, there will be greater victories for you.  During those moments, walk humbly with God and before men.  Walk away from glory and the recognition; for they are closely related to ego – man’s greatest enemy.  Instead, keep walking towards God and celebrate in HIS presence. 
You will also face greater challenges and disappointments.  They will be a part of your journey, and they will make you stronger in HIM.  Therefore, do not waste them!  Expect every crisis to turn into a blessing; every storm to bring you back to HIM if you had lost your way. 
I pray, in the days to come you will not get caught up with the norms of the world, or with your own dreams and plans, but will continue to live as a soldier for Christ, and a man of God who will not be afraid or ashamed to live by the laws of HIS Kingdom.   
I pray that you will be fearless like King David when you are facing your giants, and will find rest in the shadow of the One who is your strength, your shield and your fortress.
I pray that you will be as strong as the Blessed Mother in holding on to the promises of God that work beyond the tomb, and will be a blessing to those around you.
More than anything, I pray that one day God will look at you and say, “Here is a warrior, a man like David, a man after my own heart”.  If I can be certain of one thing, this is it!  One day, you will be that man; a man after God’s own heart.  
So onward soldier, take the world for Christ!